Parents & Coaches Meeting

23 Aug 2020 by Mark Wright

Parents Meeting will be Monday, August 24th at 7:00pm at the Rec Park. We will discuss the upcoming season and address issues and concerns about Covid-19. Please bring a chair and a mask so that we can all stay safe.

We will have information for you regarding guidelines and protocols we will be following, as well as things you will need to do to keep your child safe as they practice and play games.

Most of the information we have has come from the Governor, the CDC, Ohio North Youth Soccer, U.S. Soccer Association and the Lorain County Soccer League.

You will have the opportunity to ask any questions or voice concerns you have regarding soccer and Covid 19.

Following the Parent Meeting we will have a mandatory Coaches Meeting. All Coaches are expected to attend.

Thank you!


Wellington Rec Park - Soccer Pavilion